Become a doctor?

Got into medical school with a scholarship. Mid twenties. Would you make the jump if you were me? πŸ˜…πŸ˜… TC: 400k #mle vs #doctor

45 Participants
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Google eROS73 May 17


Siemens gibwz5 May 17


Intel fatheroall May 17

Plastic surgeon. Nurses are hot?

CTxO88 OP May 17

It’s either that or neurosurg if I jump

CTxO88 OP May 17

Straight out of fellowship? What is your specialty btw?

Adobe unf41$3d May 17

If you want it then do it. I have friends who moved from tech to the medical field even later in life.

VMware taipeiman May 17


CTxO88 OP May 17

Bigger balls than me I guess, are they happy with their choice?

VMware taipeiman May 17

How'd you get in with scholarship as a mle?

CTxO88 OP May 17

Couple papers, 4.0 and decent MCAT

VMware taipeiman May 17

Papers on what?

Uber codeyello May 17

Yes, if you’re competent.

Abbott @Abbott May 17

Yes, I know few radiologists and neurosurgeons into AI, and also clinical informatics to integrate LLMs in clinical notes to cut down their notes writing time and discharge notes into non English. Future is bright for AI in medicine.

CTxO88 OP May 17

Probably partly why I got accepted πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Capital One pipmeπŸ™πŸΌ May 17

Don’t do it for the money if you do make the jump

Microsoft qwop98 May 17

No, let someone who cares about patient care take your seat.

CTxO88 OP May 17

You see I used to think that until I met the cohort of the people who interviewed at the same time as me…

Microsoft qwop98 May 17

Yes, most people who go into medical school do it for ego and money reasons, that doesn't mean you should pursue the same and continue the downward spiral. There's a chance you shit the bed in school and end up matching to Family Med for $200k TC and are worse off than you are at now (sounds unlikely, but still non-zero). Moving to MD only makes sense if you can guarantee you'll lock in a hyper-competitive specialty and even then you have 4 years of 0-negative pay, 3 years of shit resident pay, and several years of ~1/2 of your *current TC* for fellowship. Your financial break even point is a long way out. Save your ego and let it go to someone who will give patients the care they deserve.

Netflix bwIf67 May 18

no brainer, you save lives versus fix bugs no one gives a fuck about