Salesforce PIP culture?

Has the culture deteriorated. I see long PIP posts and does Salesforce have a fixed PIP quota? #swe #engineering #software # salesforce

AppDynamics EAYy35 May 15


Microsoft layoffs0qw OP May 15

How is this decided?

Salesforce cJDY36 May 15

Stack ranking. Inconsistent and underperforming ratings.

IBM harry95hum May 18

Last year they mentioned about their plans of 5% quota to let people go, but after employees protested in Slack they removed it from their yearly goals. But seems like thats not the case. Last week they asked me to accept PIP or take 2months salary as prompt exit package. I have never been through this before, does anyone know if we get Salary during PIP?

Cargill notCargill May 19
