Capital One vs Amazon Internship

Need help deciding between c1 and amazon for my final summer internship. Was at c1 last summer and was very chill, 2hrs of work a day. I’m looking to do the internship then pivot to a company with better overall TC+WLB - C1 is lacking TC for full time and amazon is lacking the WLB. I was planning on going amazon and using the return offer + resume value to net some even better new grad offers. However, after talking to some previous amazon interns, I’ve heard stories of interns getting placed with terrible teams and not being able to finish their projects + not getting the return offer. I’m also concerned about burning out during amazon internship and not being able to apply and interview for new grad roles. Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this. #engineering #software #swe #internships

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Bloomberg ngTH31 Mar 25

Go for Capital one, if you want return job offer

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 25

That’s what Im thinking. Seems like return offer at Amazon will be a dice roll.

Bloomberg ngTH31 Mar 25

Pros of Amazon - Brand name, technology exposure, future FAANG opportunities. Cons - Unpredictable. Constantly live under fear of PIP. mental trauma, bad WLB. I am kind of a person who prefers long good night sleep over dollars and fame. so this is my opinion.

Expedia Group FBABoss Mar 25

Amazon is way better imo, if you want to push your career. Have a friend who works at Amazon. In general opens way more doors quickly, and TC is higher. When you’re young in your twenties it’s a good time to set yourself up for success. Then you can coast later.

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 25

I definitely see where you’re coming from, Amazon has a more opportunity for growth. I just don’t want to end up slaving away my early twenties, so decent WLB is important to me. Do you think it would be easy to jump ship from Amazon in this job market?

Bloomberg ngTH31 Mar 25

lol look at those pipped candidates on Linkedin struggling to get a job. It doesnt open doors for everyone. Completely depends on team and manager rather than individual hard work and skills

Capital One sdfsdfjsdf Mar 26

Amazon, this is a no brainer. Capital One is basically Amazon (at least culture wise if nothing else now) without the high pay or the prestige. Like a lot of places it became a PIP factory and is not a stable place to work or the good company it used to be, so might as well go for the paycheck in this case.

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 26

Damn I wasn’t aware C1 was like that now. Did that change happen recently? Last summer the full timers were barely doing any work.

Capital One sdfsdfjsdf Mar 26

Basically over the last 1-2 years or so, has been getting worse and worse. Look up the post A Warning About Capital One here on Blind and you'll see the carnage they've created. Most people are just biding their time at C1 until market improves and wanting to leave. Ashame because it really used to be alright. A lot of companies have gone down the shitter lately unfortunately.

Amazon grgrff4 Mar 26

Capital One is the same as Amazon with less pay, less prestige, less exit opportunities and more politics and nepotism. The only difference is that the competition and expectations at Capital One will be lower, so theoretically it should be easier to get a return offer and avoid PIP. Only problem again, is that the nepotism and politics means that return offer and PIP is not related to your performance.

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 26

I agree with you on expectations and competition - its definitely lower at C1. Regarding return offers, pretty much every intern got the return offer. I talked to Amazon interns and it sounded like getting a return offer was team-dependent. They said numerous interns with bad teams/managers weren’t able to finish their projects and got no offer. I’m currently leaning towards C1 because the return offer seems sketchy at amazon. I would love to hear your thoughts on that - should I be concerned about getting placed with a terrible team/manager?

Capital One NGew31 Mar 26

Amazon might be better since you already have C1 on resume. Return offer is not guaranteed at either Amazon or capital one.

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 26

Agree with you on the resume part - Amazon 100% looks better. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on return offer. All my fellow interns at C1 got the return except one who would constantly miss meetings. I’ve spoken with Amazon interns and they each know several other interns who weren’t able to get the return offer.

Capital One AmazonOne™️ Mar 26

They’re increasingly becoming the same culture. Go for biggest $

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 26

I wasn’t aware of C1 culture becoming like that - I would be curious to hear what you’ve observed. When I was there last summer the full timers (mostly TDPs) were basically doing no work.

Capital One koreanbbq🇰🇷 Mar 26

Amazon easily. looks a lot better for your resume to have FAANG.

Capital One jamaaa OP Mar 26

With you on this, definitely looks better on the resume. Would be curious to hear your thoughts on C1 wlb and culture?