Next EU might BAN Meta??! Looks like EU is investigating Meta for not protecting the safety of children...the article seems to suggest the possibility that the EU might ban or limit Meta in some ways to protect the health of children...What do you think? First the TikTok ban -- next Meta Ban?

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Microsoft kpgsqhl May 16

EU trying to regulate themselves out of irrelevance

Google OrangeGod May 16

Or Meta doesn't want to fully contain the demon it unleashed in search for more engagement and profits. At what point shall we start to force our bigtech, including G, Meta, to do better ?

Meta KvMD64 May 16

At no point. At Meta, Our goal is to maximize profit. Even if that means a few genocide takes place here and there, it’s no biggie.

Amazon nmbjmn May 16

The EU has no global technology companies so their recipe for relevance is to ban anything they can't compete with. That's what they mean when they say they're "world leaders in technology regulation".

Google w*y May 16


Google Rakeshi May 16

The EU is home to the WEF / Davos etc. If you thought the US political scene was crazy, wait till you learn about theirs. I don’t know why we try to import their crazy policies into the United States.

Amazon ask🧿🙌 May 16

Good job EU 🧿🌸🙏 The world deserves better. Too late for the US anyway....

Amazon malenia May 16

What is that first emoji

Amazon pip jassy May 16

Eye of Zeus or Nazar Amulet. They look pretty similar.

Google NYGL21 May 16

Not Meta but Insta

Google uQPP62 May 16

EU banning Meta for not protecting child safety? Didn't know the Catholic Church reported to Zuck. HoLee Fuk May 16

Pope enters the chat.

Google gobunnylol May 16

Pope: “ASL?”

Amazon NorthFace$ May 16

EU is run by us here in the US, they do what we want when we want. Otherwise good luck supporting their nanny state without us money

Amazon sloooks May 16

You have no clue ra/jesh.. you need some history lessons

Amazon NorthFace$ May 16

facts don't care about history lessons

Meta msdsm May 16

uncle sam will spank them to death

Meta quest5 May 16

This. There is absolutely no way the EU will ban anything Meta produces

Meta BurnedOut@ May 16

They already have. You must not be aware of product changes we do according to EU regulations.

Meta skіp May 16

Finally! Should ban in states too

Meta uTHj12 May 16

You should find a different job

Google wokawola May 16

EU will ban Tik Tok before it bans Facebook

Meta wutsuppp May 16

is EU chinaize

Epic Games Megadrive May 17

For banning social media… OH! You’re thinking of the American bipartisan government that collectively bans social media here.