1 Year Promotions

Hi All, I’m currently in my first post-grad job and am finding how to get that “strongly exceed expectations within role” review elusive. My manager has walked me through my development plan, but it definitely seems generic and get-promoted- in-2-year-plan rather than in 1 year that I am looking for. Here are some of the general skills my manager listed which I am learning more concretely by talking to people at the next level. 1) Leadership skills 2) High business impact + visibility 3) Managing Challenges 4) Navigating Cross Functional Relationships I was wondering if you guys could share some of the strategies that has worked for you to fast track getting a promotion every yr.

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Amazon nfdo67fr7 Nov 5, 2019

Growth takes time. Be patient

Sherwin-Williams mook69420 Nov 20, 2019

Booo, but seriously if you're talking about being active while getting what you want I can appreciate that. Otherwise get what you want

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Target wsBb11 Nov 5, 2019

Yea, one of my regrets career wise is rushing into promotions. Take your time, one year is not much time in your career to figure shit out. You dont want to be promoted, get overwhelmed, and get pip'd

Amazon leetbro Nov 16, 2019

These comments are bs- if you think you are ready then go for it; if your company doesn’t agree, leave and give yourself your own promotion

Amazon Duuuuuuuu Dec 23, 2019

Are you as good as folks in the next level now? If not, what is the difference? That is what you need to show for your manager to notice.