Tech IndustryAug 31, 2018

2nd round rejection

Recruiter says not a good enough match right now but they want to keep in touch for future opportunities. Is this genuine or a respectful blow-off? First and second round interviews seemed to go really well (Apple ITC4-5 non-SWE).

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Google YLKQ60 Aug 31, 2018

Lol, nope!

Painkiller Aug 31, 2018

It means you are incapable of even simple tasks, this is an early warning sign that the rest of your life will be extremely unspecial. You will disappear into mediocrity and rot in an average grave, nobody will remember you in 200 years. You blew your chance. There is no more “reset button.”

Abbott Cronky OP Aug 31, 2018

I laughed, thanks.

Microsoft 5’7 Indian Aug 31, 2018

Google - “suicide hotline” or rather bing - however google

Dtj72n Aug 31, 2018

Just being respectful. It's a standard and nicer way of saying, 'sorry brother you ain't good for us'.

SoftwareHW Aug 31, 2018

What role? What’s your YOE? Did you go through a referral?

Facebook 👁️‍🗨️ Aug 31, 2018

That's recruiter-speak for "git gud scrub"

sdblind Aug 31, 2018

I think it means "you blew it but don't worry try again and we'll bring you in with open arms." Recruiter wants you to get hired. Study more and blow them out of the water next time!