About Coinbase’s overall account limit

Coinbase says the weekly limit also means “this is the most money you can have on the exchange” Does that just refer to fiat? I assume if your Bitcoin goes up to millions in value, you are allowed to have that on the exchange right? Or would they not allow the sale if your limits aren’t high enough? What happens if your limit is say $15k and your crypto is worth 100 times that?

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Microsoft Eazy-E Dec 14, 2017

You’ll probably “graduate” from Coinbase before you have this problem. Once you have more than a certain amount (this is a personal preference but for me, was about $10k USD-worth of crypto), it makes sense to leverage other exchanges, and using your own wallet for private keys.

Microsoft Serra OP Dec 14, 2017

Thanks but that doesn’t really answer the question about CB’s limits.

Google uelU33 Dec 14, 2017

Just request a higher limit. They're slow to respond because if their growth but they have no problem giving you much higher limits if you have the funds.

Google uelU33 Dec 14, 2017

And use GDAX instead of Coinbase. Same login (but limits are separate) and much cheaper to trade.