Accenture vs Deloitte

Considering a firm swap from Accenture to Deloitte. pros/cons from people who know both firms? or know Deloitte?

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Deloitte hjqhwhd Oct 8, 2019

Ask on Fishbowl you probably get better answer there

Accenture Beowod Oct 8, 2019

What practice are you planning to join and at what level?

Accenture dzxxx Oct 8, 2019

I’d argue for tech/digital/strategy Accenture has more prestige and a quicker growth trajectory. That said Deloitte will probably treat you A LOT better (if they don’t lay you off). Accenture projects are cheap and our expenses are too. Pay is probably roughly the same.

Deloitte Makiavelli Oct 8, 2019

Im not sure ACN beats us for tech/digital/strategy. By coming to D you’re gonna lose out on the ESPP

Accenture dzxxx Oct 8, 2019

Let’s be honest. If you’re not mbb no one will care. You’re just another consultant.

Deloitte Makiavelli Oct 8, 2019

Well for my domain (data), the mbb groups (quantumblack, bcg gamma, does bain even have one?) are pretty nascent and undervalued internally (like a bank’s back office). MBB are obviously the creme de la creme for bizz strat consulting, but for tech I would rather be at D or ACN. Few probably want to be in tech in the first place though. lol.