PoliticsOct 31, 2018

Admit it. We need a divorce.

Dare we say the seeds of this were planted in the 60s when the country was overtaken by the Left. Now the fruits of that revolution are ripened. http://thefederalist.com/2018/04/10/time-united-states-divorce-things-get-dangerous/

It's Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous
It's Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous
The Federalist
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Igneous Systems zxcvbnmqw Oct 31, 2018

this author has a very poor understanding of history among many other things

Microsoft @zzz Oct 31, 2018

Did you guys already try this couple of centuries back? Won't be a great divorce though, all the rich states that subsidizes the poor red ones are blue, except maybe Texas.

Igneous Systems zxcvbnmqw Oct 31, 2018

this ^ also the premise that folks in southern and northern states had the exact same values, the failure to recognize the immense common ground we still have today, and the idea that borders have been peaceably redrawn throughout history, render this piece laughable

Microsoft sqlserver Oct 31, 2018

As long as you take all the democrats with you. They eat up the most welfare even in red states.

Valorem Trynasmash Oct 31, 2018

The blue states don’t know how to use guns or like them. Also most military friends I have are right wingers. I’m for this!!! LMAO

Valorem Trynasmash Oct 31, 2018

lmao Hipster devs trying to learn how to use Ar15s LMAO.

Facebook Eurgev Oct 31, 2018

Don't need them. Remote controlled fighter drone robots and then autonomous ones. They have no fear :-) they are coming (possibly).

Facebook Eurgev Oct 31, 2018

Philosophical discussion for now, but agree. When a country is this split, instead of spilling blood (literally sometimes and maybe more frequently in the future), it may be better for everyone. A much larger % of the population can have the government and laws they desire by splitting up as cleanly as possible. Times change and borders are redrawn.

Intel Ao71! Oct 31, 2018

There would be ~100 new countries (basically all the top 100 cities) and the other 99% of the geographical area would be another country.

Facebook Eurgev Oct 31, 2018

No. Not all of them will make it. Only clusters, states or large contiguous divisions of states that can be negotiated. There will be painful migration of people over time, if this ever happens. That's what happened in all redrawing of borders in history.

Amazon y6y7y Oct 31, 2018

California, Oregon and Washington should secede, creating a nation called Pacifica, taking pretty much all the top industries with them. Maybe NY, NJ, MA, and the other east states could form another country, let's call it New England. Then let the Republicans in between these centers of Democrat excellence starve. GOPpers have been getting a free ride for too long.

Valorem Trynasmash Oct 31, 2018

Starve? Every state you just mentioned is on the verge of bankruptcy even with those industries. Let’s do it!!!!!!! Not all devs are libs. Some of us have and are not living in the western states.

Amazon y6y7y Oct 31, 2018

Starve. The states I mentioned are the only ones that make any money. Texas doesn't have enough oil left to pay for all the Republican shitholes.

Microsoft sqlserver Oct 31, 2018

Lol it’s cute that libs assume they already win the technological war. First of all very close to half the devs are conservative. Second we can recruit infinite number of Asians and Indians with merit based immigration system while you guys figure out how to raise more tax to support the illegals.

Facebook Eurgev Oct 31, 2018

So dumb. Most Indian and Chinese with families would not want to live in red state now, if they have a choice. They are not white remember! Good luck trying to entice tech workers of Sweden to move to your shithole.

Oath lol 😂 Oct 31, 2018

I think that’s just the Blind illusion that half devs are conservatives. Asians and Indians are pacifists. They’re not going to fight your war. Illegals, especially refugees with nothing to lose, will be quite a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile, Trump wants to strip citizenship from legal immigrants soldiers.

Microsoft @zzz Oct 31, 2018

Red kids... Be careful what you wish for. Think about it, you oppose immigration so no jobs for you. No big federal grants either, funded by mostly blue states. You believe in coal as the future, so no tech innovation either.

Microsoft sqlserver Oct 31, 2018

None of what you said is true.

Intel Ao71! Oct 31, 2018

I would wager 100% of conservatives would trade a federal grant for freedom.

Oath lol 😂 Oct 31, 2018

Author talks about illegal immigrants. I bet they’ll give the illegals citizenship as soon as the war starts.

Amazon Jm22 Oct 31, 2018

OP is that typical nerd who gets turned down by every other chick he asks out. The only way for such a nerd to vent out his frustration is to pretend to be a Trumpie and bash liberals for literally some batshit reason.

Microsoft sqlserver Oct 31, 2018

Sorry it’s the libs with noodle arms that have trouble dating. There’s research out there that people who go to the gym regularly tend to be right wing.

Amazon Jm22 Oct 31, 2018

At least they don’t grab em by the p*ssy!!

Intel Ao71! Oct 31, 2018

Problem is that the geographical area that is Democrat is ~1% of the land mass and disseminated (the urban areas). Everywhere else is GOP.