Airbnb On-site Interview Tips

About to do an on-site with them! Does anyone have any tips? Their’s look the most difficult out of the major tech companies. Kinda scared! I’ve done 100+ LeetCode problems and now brushing up on system design videos on YouTube.

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Amazon May15 May 17, 2018

Be awesome

BetterWorks TheSenate May 17, 2018

Airbnb values culture heavily, so read up on those cultural pillars / values of theirs. Think of a few examples in your life that you can use to emphasize that you embody them. Behavioral questions are always hard to prepare for but it's good to have some stories (even if minor) at hand so at least your BS sounds authentic. For coding, just make sure you feel pretty comfortable with coding / debugging on computer on the spot and being watched. I wasn't asked anything with particularly tricky algos. System design is the standard fare.

Glassdoor FroggerFro May 17, 2018

From what I read in another thread yesterday about Airbnb you need to be Chinese. So become Chinese before your onsite. Oh and goodluck!

Akamai Technologies backndmage OP May 18, 2018

Hahahahahaha! Lol where is that? I am Chinese...