Tech IndustryDec 4, 2018

Amazon- PMT internal interview process

Haven’t been on my current team for too long, but found a PMT role that I’m interested. I was wondering what the internal interview process looks like. 2 main concerns: how bad does it look to transfer < 6 months into 1st Amazon role and how far can I go without letting my current boss know?

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Amazon M13 Dec 5, 2018

I think it doesn’t look good so if you move you should try to stay in your next role for a while. You can get a verbal offer without your current manager knowing. I think the main risk is- who is going to hire you? Leaving your first role so soon is a red flag and there are lots of experienced PMTs also trying to transfer internally. I’m sure there are managers who will interview you and even extend an offer but you should think about why they are willing to take a risk on you. I would personally not consider a pmt with less than 6 months at Amazon. I suggest staying put until your 1 year anniversary to unless you really hate your manager or role.