Tech IndustryFeb 19, 2019

Amazon L7 SDM on-site interview prep

Hi all, Would appreciate any preparation pointers for on-site L7 SDM interview? happens in couple of weeks - maybe enough time for 1 book but not multiple. If you have been in L7 loop as interviewer, would love your input. TC: 350K, 16 YOE

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Amazon redmirror Feb 19, 2019

I've not been in a loop to hire L7 manager yet. But I would think they would drill down on leadership sets, questions on hiring and develop the best, deliver results, and may be some tech questions.

imleet OP Feb 19, 2019

Thanks for your input

Amazon Asdf qwer Feb 19, 2019

Expect a leetcode session, a system design session, and all sessions covering Leadership Principles

Morgan Stanley ninja007 Apr 11, 2019

No leetcode for SDM for sure

VSwf01 Feb 19, 2019

Leet code? I heard this doesn't apply from L6. Are you sure? What should one expect for system design?

Amazon Asdf qwer Feb 19, 2019

Some depts ask leetcode for L7 SDM, some don't. Your recruiter should be able to tell you before the interview, but frequently the loop isn't finalized until the day before. System design show you know how to put together a workable architecture (front end servers, CDN, load balancers, db layer), then address concerns like scalability, availability, latency

VSwf01 Feb 19, 2019

Thanks for the very valuable intel

imleet OP Feb 19, 2019

Interesting to learn about leetcode for L7 Sr. SDM. What level leetcode can one expect? easy-medium? Have you by any chance participated in L7 loop?