Tech IndustryMay 3, 2019

Amazon LP interview questions

Hi, Can you list some of the most commonly asked Amazon leadership principle questions ? Like tell me when you .... Kind and all others relevant ? I am fairly new here would like to know more of it. Relevant to engineering/SDE/SDET/QAE job role. Thanks in advance.

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Microsoft ToTTi May 3, 2019

Describe an incidence when you ... Add all their 14 principles to cover any possible questions

Amazon ChunXi1 OP May 3, 2019

Can you more specific/concrete ? Example questions

Microsoft ToTTi May 3, 2019

I was asked incidents where i showed 1. Leadership skills 2. Bias to action 3. Had a disagreement within the team . On the 3rd part they asked 3 4 follow up questions regarding the details and outcome . What i would recommend is think of all your experiences and tag an amazon principle or two against it .

Amazon front-end May 3, 2019

You ask specific so we can answer specific.

Wells Fargo startup! May 3, 2019

You are already in amazon...why to study LPs...contractor to FTE conversion?

Amazon 25apr May 3, 2019

Check the wiki and question bank. It's full of lp questions.

XdkS57 Aug 18, 2019

Thanks for suggestion. Which wiki and question bank? link or how to find them guide would be appreciated.

Wells Fargo sashaJ Nov 18, 2020

Link, please :)

CenturyLink ml7hsg6 May 3, 2019

I interviewed onsite this week. Here’re some questions I got asked. 1. Tell me about a time when you challenged the status quo. 2. Time when you had a conflict with someone. 3. Time when you couldn’t deliver the work you promised. 4. Time when you gave users the higher priority. 5. Time when you saw two different tasks and how did you combine them? 6. Time when promised something and delivered. 7. Time when you exceeded expectations. 8. How to stay up to date with technology? 9. Time when you have to choose between multiple things to work on. Which one did you choose and why? 10. Time when you took risks and failed? 11. Time when you had to teach your colleague. Some of them had follow up questions based on the answers I gave.

VMware kalakutta May 3, 2019

Ok rest seems reasonable but what to answer for "when you couldn't deliver the work you promised".

CenturyLink ml7hsg6 May 3, 2019

Missed a deadline. How you re-prioritized the content and what measures you took to make sure it doesn’t happens again in future.

Amazon GCGj06 Nov 2, 2022
