CompensationMay 29, 2018

Amazon SDE L6/L7 total compensation (with breakdown)

What would be a good total compensation for SDE L6/L7 (with salary breakdown) at Amazon, specifically AWS in Palo Alto ? Stating out compensation for both levels separately would be great.

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Amazon ISeeTrees May 29, 2018

Which role?

DeathEater OP May 29, 2018

SDE...just updated the question.

Apple cho Chang May 29, 2018

250 for L6, 450 for L7. There’s a huge diff; try to get L7

DeathEater OP May 29, 2018

Thanks for the quick reply. Also, what does the breakdown look like ?

Apple cho Chang May 29, 2018

Base is capped at probably 185 in Bay Area

Amazon ForgetSpun May 29, 2018

350 for L6. L7 I have no idea.

DeathEater OP May 29, 2018

Thanks. How about the breakdown ?

Amazon ForgetSpun May 29, 2018

That’s just a ballpark obviously it depends on the team and your experience. For the Bay Area I believe the base is capped at 185 so the rest will be in stock.

Facebook ehdgpyq May 29, 2018

i heard the range is large. 6 can be 25-40. 7 usually 40+

Amazon Gnostic May 29, 2018

In the Bay Area, L6 SDE external offers are generally in the 3s. L7 are generally 450+.

Amazon bananamaan May 29, 2018

L6 (senior) vs L7 (principal) is a big difference. Many L6s around but not that many L7s. L6 probably 250-350k. Edit: in Seattle

DeathEater OP May 29, 2018

Thanks for the quick answers guys. This has been helpful!

RUindian May 29, 2018

Amazon Gghhtt May 30, 2018

300-400 L6 185 is the max base rest in stock..first two years will be cash sign on

harryi May 30, 2018

Chekc our

QdYR45 Dec 28, 2020

This L6 offer is broken down into base, equity, bonus, relocation, and signing: