Tech IndustryMay 6, 2019

Amazon code assessment

Recruiter sent me the code assessment which I completed this weekend. First problem 22/23 tests passed and second was implementing a BFS and 16/16 tests passed. Is this enough to move to the next step or do the require 100% on both?

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10yoe250kt May 6, 2019

What was the first one? Closest points to origin?

Clever Devices 72offsuit OP May 6, 2019

No, it was a pretty simple operation with string sorting... input is a list of strings where the first part is a unique alphanumeric id and all other parts are version info... old “gen” version info was alphanumeric, new gen is numeric only. Return the input list with old gen sorted by version info, then by id, and finally with any new gen models appearing in the original order. I used All(Char.isDigit) to check the version part so it couldn’t have been parsing failing... I’m wondering if the choice of linq order by then by broke under a high stress test? I refactored several times before time ran out but the 23rd mystery test always failed

10yoe250kt May 6, 2019

Should be fine, I've been told that someone reviews the code and makes a decision.

Microsoft burnt May 6, 2019

This is enough to move to next round. Good luck!

Clever Devices 72offsuit OP May 6, 2019

Thank you! Is the next round the in person? More white boarding and algs or is it more of a culture fit? Any advice is appreciated!

_Python3 May 6, 2019

Next would be virtual round via Amazon Chime. I have it this Thursday.

Clever Devices 72offsuit OP May 6, 2019

Good luck! More algorithms or more about experience and past projects?

_Python3 May 6, 2019

Thanks,Not sure, just created one post to ask this!