Misc.Jul 1, 2019

Android or iPhone

I use Android phone as a power user. I switched from Android a few yr ago and back to Android after using iPhone for 2yrs. It took just few days switching over each time. What phone do you use? Did you ever change your phone? This year I am eligible for a phone upgrade!

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Micro Focus Whiskr Jul 1, 2019

iPhone because I donā€™t want to send people disgusting green texts

Taylor Farms azerty_ Jul 1, 2019

This^ šŸ˜€

Symantec gwkfv OP Jul 1, 2019


tacocanšŸ˜› Jul 1, 2019

I switch between my iPhone X and Pixel 3XL. Iā€™m an Apple fanboy at heart and do iOS development for a living so I canā€™t ever fully disconnect from it but I was curious about the android side of things and there are definitely pros and cons of both devices but the experience is for the most part pretty consistent across both. Except Snapchat. Snapchat is so shit on Android, 50% of the time my pictures fail to capture and require me to restart the app to work, itā€™s atrocious.

Symantec gwkfv OP Jul 1, 2019

What if you were to consider cost? Would iPhone still be better than Android phones with sometimes difference upto $200, where Android phone provides same or higher config than iPhone? I did not feel a much difference while getting on contract but waterproof features and wireless charging came in Android first.

tacocanšŸ˜› Jul 1, 2019

Iā€™m gonna have a bias as an apple fanboy but thereā€™s the old ā€œit just worksā€ with iPhones where the price tag allows for an incredibly stable and consistent experience which might be a bit stale over the years but itā€™s definitely a much more dependable and stable experience than using the pixel 3 xl. The whole phone industry has kind of platued in terms of innovation so the features across the board are going to be pretty similar. So there isnā€™t going to be much difference there. In the end, I personally believe that the iPhone is worth the extra cost just for the consistency and stability of it but you canā€™t really go wrong with an android flagship either because itā€™s still a pretty nice experience that will get the job done.

Facebook cuck Jul 1, 2019

Android cuz iPhone has no back button

The Climate Corporation nEXL64 Jul 1, 2019

Once you go swipe you donā€™t go back.

Facebook cuck Jul 1, 2019

Swipe doesn't always work