Tech IndustryMay 9, 2019

Any Googlers in Los Angeles on here

I assume it’s GCP you’re at? Is there a hiring freeze rn?

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Google SteefChops May 9, 2019

Why do you assume that?

Northrop Grumman HowCouldYu OP May 9, 2019

Because Playa Vista is GCP business operations lol

Northrop Grumman HowCouldYu OP May 9, 2019

Or do you mean why do I assume a hiring freeze? Because my recruiter said it’s super busy rn

Google Gewgler12 May 9, 2019

Wouldn't your recruiter being super busy mean that it's the exact opposite of a hiring freeze?

Northrop Grumman HowCouldYu OP May 9, 2019

She’s based out of Texas so not sure, but everytime I ask about LA she gives a random answer