Tech IndustryOct 14, 2019
NewHari Pottr

Any thoughts about Metromile (SF) as workplace for engineers?

Curious how their engineering culture is and TC range for software engineers. Will be great if anyone can share any info about it's financial stability and if it's a good idea to join them.

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Google Ben Dover. Oct 14, 2019

I interviewed. It’s an okay place. Long and arduous process for even an entry level position. 10 rounds + case study. Some of them act like they’re “techleads” at FAANG With that being said, I wouldn’t join.

Docker nyancat321 Nov 27, 2019

Thanks for sharing Ben! Where there any red flags? I’m curious because I’m in the interview pipeline right now. Thanks!

Google Ben Dover. Nov 27, 2019

Sure. They pretend to be world changing or something. Also, they haven’t had any growth this year.