RelationshipsOct 31, 2018

Anyone love their wife but want to divorce their kids?

Wife is awesome, love her completely, and I’m lucky to be with her. However, the best part of my day is dropping off the kids at daycare/school and I dread picking them up in the afternoon. Altogether pretty decent kids, they just annoy the fuck out of me all the time. I literally don’t look forward to any interaction with them, even the seminal moments like playing sports or learning how to read.

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Qualcomm Mahomes! Oct 31, 2018

Wow 🙁

Amazon Chad_ Oct 31, 2018

Just sell them

Microsoft AvTC33 Oct 31, 2018

Wanna bang your wife all day?

Intel Ao71! OP Oct 31, 2018

You betcha, but mutually exclusive from kid issue.

Microsoft AvTC33 Oct 31, 2018

Or maybe not. You’re a sex addict. Anything that stops you from sex will make you hate it. Boom!

Microsoft Ranveer Oct 31, 2018

Father of the year is here guys!

Yahoo 😐 😐😐😐☹ Oct 31, 2018

Saddest post I ever read on here. Even worse than the guy with 50k TC

Facebook Hornett Oct 31, 2018

The best part of my day, is when I see my kids and their smiling faces, takes all the stress away. I live my life for them. Not that, I don’t love my spouse but my kids are everything to me. Hated to see your post, you should had thought of it, before committing for kids. I pray that your wife doesn’t thinks the same way as you.

Intel Ao71! OP Oct 31, 2018

Spent years thinking about it before having kids, and I’m a fairly down-to-earth logical thinker. Experience has been drastically different than the worst case scenario I drew up in my head. All the crying and inability to listen makes my head want to explode.

Facebook onlysmellz Oct 31, 2018

"you should had thought of it" really? Like how? That's the stupidest argument I've read in a while.

Microsoft wave 🏄‍♂️ Oct 31, 2018

It could be worse. Really.

Roku Chipmunk🐿 Oct 31, 2018

Jeez! I hope you wife is a much better parent ( human) than you.

Qualcomm ic-rf Oct 31, 2018

If your kid annoys the fuck outta you, it’s a reflection of how shitty parents your wife and you are. kids misbehave as much as parents allow them. Discipline the little fuckers and problem solved

Intel Ao71! OP Oct 31, 2018

That’s my point - they aren’t that bad of kids. My tolerance for annoyance is drastically lower than required.

Qualcomm ic-rf Oct 31, 2018

something in your life is sucking the opportunity of enjoying your kids.... maybe take a vacation or switch jobs. You job may be making you miserable without you even noticing it. That or you are a shitty parent

Facebook onlysmellz Oct 31, 2018

Thanks for being honest and sharing. You can't change youself and your emotions so even though it's sad I understand. That said, you can affect your actions; make sure those kids have a good childhood.