Misc.Jun 25, 2018

Are you a Sociopath, Clueless or Loser?

The Sociopath (capitalized) layer comprises the Darwinian/Protestant Ethic will-to-power types who drive an organization to function despite itself. The Clueless layer is what Whyte called the “Organization Man,” but the archetype inhabiting the middle has evolved a good deal since Whyte wrote his book (in the fifties). The Losers are not social losers (as in the opposite of “cool”), but people who have struck bad bargains economically – giving up capitalist striving for steady paychecks https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/

The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to "The Office"
The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to "The Office"
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Microsoft IPSEC Jun 25, 2018

I can’t find the “All of these” answer which suits me more 😂

McAfee JohnMcPee Jun 25, 2018

Sociopath - High TC with low YOE Clueless - Decent TC with above average YOE Loser - Low TC with high YOE

Microsoft ShortBTC Jun 25, 2018

👍. The last assumption is more likely to be accurate than the first.

Amazon max9chars Jun 25, 2018

Actually, TC might be weakly correlated with the three types, but it doesn't go both ways. I understood it as: Sociopath: founders, builders, etc. People who have built critical shit for their organizations and are critical to the continued use of the product. Once the product know how is out of their hands, they either build something new to regain control, or head out for greener pastures. Clueless: the people who overestimate their value in the equation. The ubiquitous middle/upper-middle layer, higly compensated organization men who take daily shots of the koolaid, and spit it out at budding sociopaths who can't/won't work for the man. Disposable with little impact to the org. Losers: everyone else, taking crap from everyone above them for a steady pay check. The point is, almost all of us will play all roles at some point in our lives.

Microsoft ShortBTC Jun 25, 2018


Oscar tc/gtfo Jun 25, 2018

You expect me to read this to vote? You are clueless.

Amazon max9chars Jun 25, 2018

Read it. It's worth it. Better than watching Office reruns.

Oscar tc/gtfo Jun 25, 2018

I just wrote a short paper for extra credit on the personality of Dwright lol...

Amazon Bfskndksbs Jun 25, 2018

I want to be a sociopath but I’m currently a loser.

Apple frnW38 Jun 25, 2018

That article was a master class is socioeconomic dynamics. Incredible. My Apple org mirrors so much of that sociopath / clueless / loser framework.

Apple frnW38 Jun 25, 2018

For example, I’m currently facing a huge life dilemma. I finally cracked into Sociopath” level of impact but my Org just responded with compensation on the “Loser” tier.

Apple frnW38 Jun 25, 2018

My response is to “fight the good fight” on comp lest I be labeled as a Loser. Just sucks that there is a 50% chance I will have to leave Apple for Google / Netflix et al.

PeerStreet Ju63vNQa OP Jun 25, 2018

What do you mean by fight the good fight? I think a sociopath approach would be to get competing offers for leverage, basically do the bare minimum amount of work while interviewing and finding offers elsewhere

Apple frnW38 Jun 26, 2018

Good point OP