Tech IndustryOct 21, 2017

Are you currently working with someone who should be fired?

For all the transparency and feedback culture that we take pride in, I'm currently working with someone who shouldn't be at Netflix. Wonder if anyone has the same experience

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LinkedIn hbdi78n Oct 21, 2017


SmCi48 Oct 21, 2017

Yes. There is a guy here who’s only skill is taking responsibility for other people’s work in front of PMs. That and being super awkward hitting on intern girls. He’s doing his best to guarantee no girls ever work here.

Microsoft CountryMac Oct 21, 2017

Lots of them. But one of the biggest mistakes I made careerwise was to make that known. At Microsoft, sadly you have to play the game.

Amazon Annony Oct 21, 2017

What does this mean like you have to play them into a pip?

SmCi48 Oct 21, 2017

Is this a common problem with bigger companies in the valley?

Carvana cFaS24 Oct 21, 2017

Sure, but to be honest metrics win out in the end. Focus on your metrics and it works out in the end.

Zillow Group GilFoyle1 Oct 21, 2017

Well the funny thing is....chances are someone thinks about that for you too... if you feel as such- fine- do something about it- when you are conducting interviews reflect your expected level of competency in your hiring decisions. But don't expect to have a Wozniak, it's ok to work with people that might have less or more of a role in the team. It's whatever- as long as they get something done. I worked with someone at my pervious job who was a inexperienced pm and had his work moved to others for his lack of skills in the role- so all he would do is just conduct stand ups...but he's got kids and a family to provide for. So instead of calling him incompetent, and hoping he was fired. we (the team) included him in as much as we could. Long behold- he became a useful player after a few months. Invest in people, that's how you grow your career. That's how your CEO makes his money. Just some food for thought man.

Microsoft Woiduchdh Oct 21, 2017

Yea - a guy on my team - all he does I make excuses because he has a family. Its unfair. Why am I disadvantaged for not having a family ? Yes you have kids. Great. I have a life.

LinkedIn fuzz Oct 22, 2017

You have an enormous advantage over anyone with kids in that you have much more time to dedicate to your own growth. People with families who prioritize them do not get moved up quickly.

Box wGHs38 Oct 21, 2017

Honestly, everyone I work with is great. It's been a long time since I've met anyone here I felt needed to go. The last person WAS let go and thank god. She was a Director in HR who used to put "Home Church" on her public work calendar along with her address. It was...creepy.

GoodRx 👹 boo Oct 21, 2017


Microsoft cout<< Oct 21, 2017
