Tech IndustryOct 28, 2018

Aurora onsite interview

Hi I have aurora on-site interview in a day at their Pittsburgh office, the position says 'software engineer for autonomous driving'. Can you please share some Aurora on-site experiences? Also, some topics I should focus on? I more inclined towards motion planning, do you think I should only focus on coding, or preparing for motion planning will also be helpful?

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Northrop Grumman trashcan! Oct 28, 2018

The person I talked to was really interested in c++, and my niche area. But mostly stressed c++. Not a ton of help but hopefully something

Dell fxbqyo Oct 28, 2018

Is this Arora ?

Dell fxbqyo Oct 28, 2018

I mean like khanna

Aurora bystander! Oct 28, 2018

All the best

Nvidia crash+burn Feb 11, 2019

OP , can you share how your interview experience was