CompensationFeb 18, 2018

Austin TX Salaries?

Does anyone know what Austin program manager role salaries look like? Paysa and Glassdoor have a huge disconnect. I’m interviewing for Facebook and relayed salary expectations for a salary in the 90’s. They mentioned this wasn’t an issue. I’m nervous I may have lowballed myself. If given an offer I intend to negotiate. Looking for the right number to drive to.

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Facebook TrukNorris Feb 18, 2018

FB pays the same across the US.

Microsoft Jeffbee Feb 18, 2018

This doesn’t make sense. How can the pay for California and Austin be the same? Why would anyone want to work at Cali if they are getting paid the same amount at a relatively cheaper city like Austin?

Pinterest CarrotCake Feb 18, 2018

It makes sense because pay is based on what the skill set required

Uber ticke Feb 18, 2018

Anything is better than Intel

IBM Pepito87 Feb 18, 2018

Recently started a position in Austin for IBM. When negotiating salary and sign on I asked for what Paysa suggested over Glassdoor - which had a discrepancy over $15K. They didn't quite match it, but they came pretty damn close (within a couple hundred dollars).

Facebook dXy349 Feb 18, 2018

Facebook will put you in a salary band. You'll probably be in the bottom of it, but it will probably pay better than most companies in Austin.