CompensationAug 18, 2019

Average salary for Operations Manager within a startup preparing to enter A-round?

I'm planning to join a startup working closely with the CEO as a manager but basically a director level in terms weight of responsibilities and execution. The offer includes minimal equity and monthly base with potential bonuses. How much is a typical base salary for such position, knowing that it would include long hours and weekends?

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Cisco 7oclock Aug 18, 2019

It really, really depends. operations manager can mean anything from glorified office manager to weird combo of head of HR, customer service, and finance. In general, if you're coming in during A round, your cash compensation should be under market but your stock options should be generous, especially since the company at this point should still be fairly small. What constitutes generous is generally a lot less than people think since the first ten employees plus getting round A likely means 25-40% is already gone, and another 40-50% is set aside for future rounds, so most employees are lucky to get a few basis points.