
Best books to learn C++ for a experienced Java developer

Above. I used C++ around 10 years back in my Masters and have a basic understanding of C++

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Commvault Gtalk Aug 20, 2018

why you are moving to c++, just curious

eBay Okokokokok OP Aug 20, 2018

Job requirement 😁

Commvault Gtalk Aug 20, 2018

ohh, i thought Java is on demand and am planning to move to Java

Verily dbwN28 Aug 20, 2018

Effective C++, Modern effective C++

Uber puytver Aug 20, 2018

β€œA tour of c++” is good.

Aptiv wmxS66 Aug 20, 2018

Just don't, you will hate it.

eBay xghi Aug 20, 2018

u must be in data infra i believe, same here, switch is hard