
Blackberry vs. Snapchat First facebook, now Snap Blackberry is turning into a patent troll now. What a sad dying company

BlackBerry accuses Snapchat of infringing its messaging patents
BlackBerry accuses Snapchat of infringing its messaging patents
The Verge
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Uber shANq80 Apr 8, 2018

Don't take the verge reports seriously these days except gadget reviews 😂

Microsoft yMcg47 Apr 8, 2018

Snap actually infringes on a lot of patents

Snapchat F7RiNs Apr 8, 2018

Lol ok

Snapchat tYoC57 Apr 13, 2018

Like what?

Microsoft wlb Apr 8, 2018

Sounds weird. Messaging apps essentially all do the same thing!

Microsoft yMcg47 Apr 8, 2018

That’s why all the new ones infringe on old ones

BlackBerry SueHappy😃 Apr 8, 2018

Those who call BlackBerry a patent troll don’t know what a patent troll is. The patents that Snap and Facebook are being sued over are actually used in products made by BlackBerry that are being used by its customers. In the case of Facebook, BlackBerry tried to come to an agreement with them for nearly 3 years. On two occasions we were supposed to sign an agreement with them and they were no shows. The legal option was utilized after all other options were exhausted

Facebook EGBDFA Apr 8, 2018


BlackBerry SueHappy😃 Apr 8, 2018

No worries. Don’t be sorry. We aren’t surprised given Zuck’s reputation as a shyster. He’ll eventually pay for his bad faith approach

Groupon 123.47 Apr 8, 2018

Lol suck it up. Everybody had to wait years for the 1 click buy patent to expire. They came with the idea first, that's how patents and intelectual rights works...

Twitch xj4z77 Apr 8, 2018

They absolutely should sue. That “display count of unread messages on a notification dot” was revolutionary from Blackberry. 😂 I feel bad for PM’s and designers with all of these patents.

BlackBerry JohnChen👨 Apr 22, 2018

Anybody who violates our patents and refuses to sign royalty agreements will be sued. If we don’t defend our patents we might as well not be in business