BostonSep 23, 2017

Boston Jobs & Leetcode

Just wondering, at a mid level in front end engineering in Boston, what do you think most places expect? Should you be able to tackle hard problems on Leetcode? Just trying to steer my career in the direction of a big company like Amazon or FB

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Facebook wrxXv73V8k Sep 23, 2017

Besides studying, do practice interviews at places you care about less before the ones you care about more.

Expedia fanboy Sep 23, 2017

The last thing I'd want in a front end engineer is leetcode. That's ridiculous.

Snapchat camera-co Sep 24, 2017

Depends on what kind of front end work they are doing. If they are working on webpages that require deserializing a ton of data efficiently over tons of different requests than I'd expect them to be able to solve algo questions.

0000010111 OP Sep 24, 2017

From what I've read online it seems Amazon tests people on trees and graphs even for front end jobs. I think it's a little absurd because there's a really low likelihood you'd be doing that on the job. Anyway, I don't mind learning this stuff because I'm becoming familiar with the methods on data structures that I've been tested on and failing on (like String.repeat())

Hubspot ojangle Sep 24, 2017

Come to hubspot. We're always looking for new front end engineers and have a great culture for learning