RelationshipsMar 8, 2019

Broken and bruised

I am broken and bruised inside. There are so many memories with people, who left, who misbehaved, who didn't meet basic expectations, who will never be back. And I just had to move on. There are so many stories to tell, so many feelings to share, so many learnings. But everyone nowadays just want to talk fun stuff, go out, drink, have sex, talk sex, impress. Talking about life is boring to people, crying is too overwhelming to people, sharing your journey is no fun to people. So what do you do? Is therapist the only real friend now?

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Microsoft sushue Mar 8, 2019

No. Your inner strength and ability to not give up is the best therapist. There are people out there who think like you, but they are rare and hard to come across. But if you maintain your high standards, you will find them, it'll click, and both of you will stay in each others lives.

PayPal qphkzhsbws Mar 8, 2019

In the same fucking phase. DM me.

Microsoft IMSad Mar 8, 2019

That makes two of us 😔

Okta doomsday Mar 8, 2019

It’s a bubble made by social phenomenons like instagram where everyone’s life is perfect.

bruised OP Mar 8, 2019

No, I am not talking about the rosy social media lives. I am talking about real people and experiences.

Amazon Quantavt Mar 8, 2019

I know what you mean! A close friend with the same values or in the same place in life helps a lot... Right now I only have 1 or so like this but it means a lot

Pinterest hellokappa Mar 8, 2019

Keep your head up. Life's a bumpy ride

Amazon Pipilika Mar 8, 2019

Happy to chat. DM if you wish.

Amazon putatti Mar 8, 2019

Happy to have sex. DM if you wish.

bruised OP Mar 8, 2019

Are you female? Lol. Seriously thanks, I've enough.

Amazon putatti Mar 8, 2019

No, but we can if you are willing to have your operation

Microsoft tarasenko Mar 8, 2019

Therapist is the way to go. Pay someone to listen to your problems so you don’t have to internalize them and so your friends and family don’t have to internalize them either. And they might even give you good advice if you’re lucky!

Amazon putatti Mar 8, 2019

No wayyyyy.

bruised OP Mar 8, 2019

So that does answer my question, a therapist is the only friend. I guess the definition of friends has just changed over years.

Riot Games JL2 Mar 8, 2019

I recently went through a very rough time. Luckily I found a church with a really strong support group and now I have a peace of mind. Having a faith works a lot better than seeing a therapist. I’ve seen a therapist before but didn’t work for me.

finally. Mar 8, 2019

To each their own, but yes faith helps. I'm a Hindu, I feel better when I pray not because things going to drastically change, but it just gives me strength and hope. In the ever changing, super fast world its nice to cling to some faith/traditions

bruised OP Mar 8, 2019

I am glad it worked for you. But it's not a particular situation that happened to me recently, it's about the entire life journey, about the everyday things, about the small and the big things. I have a large circle of people I can call or ping for casual conversations. But I am not sure how many can I call for some serious shit or when I am down. And actually how many can I call if I want to talk more than once.

Barclays PLC ManUnited Mar 8, 2019

Meditate. Really!

bruised OP Mar 8, 2019

I am yet to try this. Good point.

Barclays PLC ManUnited Mar 8, 2019

What you need is Inner Peace! Meditation helped me the most out of everything I tried a year back (including therapist). Wish I knew about it much earlier. Stabilizes your mind, heart and body. Happy to help if needed!