Tech IndustryJan 28, 2019

Career advice moving from startup to enterprise

Looking for career advice. Based in SF, 34yo. I was the CEO and Co-founder of an acquired Saas startup in the enterprise software space. We’re not talking TechCrunch news worthy, more a small 25 person “acquihire” of a bootstrapped startup. My integration phase is complete - so I’m looking for what to do next. Having run a small business for the last 7 years, I’m exploring what a larger organization could offer. Given my skills are developed mostly as a startup generalist, albeit with a product skew. What jobs would be best suited in the Enterprise job market? Corp dev? Product Manager? Appreciate you views Blind community.

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Databricks vnkytcju Jan 28, 2019

Technical co-founder?

YbQV23 OP Jan 28, 2019

Thanks for asking. That wasn’t my role. I focused more on the Business Operations: GTM, Strategy, Culture, Financing, Brand etc (insert 100 more hats). But my background is technical.

lab10 Jan 28, 2019

I would recommend Product, as I feel it is the closest thing I’ve experienced to entrepreneurship for working for someone else - my Skills/experience from starting/running 3 companies feels most utilized in this role. Aim for director position otherwise you may be left feeling resentful. Good luck! 30 - NYC

YbQV23 OP Jan 28, 2019

Thank you, much appreciated! Noted re the position, all that fun to come when looking for roles. No idea what the tier structures are yet.

Dropbox ldhdhmxm Jan 29, 2019

Will be a pretty big adjustment from responsibilities and impact perspective. I would really spend some time to work on your narrative. Have a compelling story to tell when you start engaging with recruiters and your network.

YbQV23 OP Jan 29, 2019

Sage words. Thank you for the advice.