Companies can find out your salary via Equifax

I learned that Equifax creates an "Employment Data Report" that includes your work salary. And companies can request that data. You have to give companies permission to access the report however. Give it a try yourself

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Yelp roscww Apr 29, 2019

Would companies requesting this be legal in california?

Oracle pzd Apr 29, 2019

IANAL but companies can only request the information from Equifax with your consent. Requiring your consent to pull your salary data would be the same as asking you your current salary. This data is mostly useful for lenders and landlords.

Intel fm5 Apr 29, 2019

Would be very surprised 8f companies actually report that data, especially for rsu

Bazzingaa Apr 29, 2019

Why wouldn’t they?

on_FIRE Apr 29, 2019

It is used extensively for loan verification.