Tech IndustryJan 31, 2018
Duck CreekM ZUccB0rg

Contract Opportunity at Google

So the hiring manager hasn’t gotten back to me yet and it’s been 2 weeks since my interview (as of Friday this week). I’m told by my recruiter for contracting that the hiring manager is out for the next week and that I am still being considered for the role. Is this normal? The interviewer asked me if i could spend 5-10 more minutes so she could ask me more questions during the phone interview. I felt like I did okay for the most part. The role is for Technical Solutions Engineer III.

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Salesforce ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ Jan 31, 2018

I have no idea what you're saying. You're being asked to do contract work now or is your recruiter asking you to talk to them on the phone or is the recruiter asking you to talk to the manager on the phone?

Duck Creek M ZUccB0rg OP Jan 31, 2018

Did the phone interview. Haven’t heard back if they wanna move to onsite or not. Recruiter for contracting agency said the hiring manager is out for the next week and I’m still being considered for the role.

Salesforce ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ Jan 31, 2018

Just wait. This happens, people are sometimes unavailable. Be patience.

HP r4316 Jan 31, 2018

He just curious... what's the pay rate they offering for such as role?

Duck Creek M ZUccB0rg OP Jan 31, 2018


HP r4316 Jan 31, 2018

Thanks - how many years of experience they looking for?

Google beachlife Jan 31, 2018

Don't join Google as a TVC. Miserable.

Duck Creek M ZUccB0rg OP Jan 31, 2018

Have heard differing opinions from friends who have joined as contractors and are all FTE now. I think I will, it’s probably better than current job.

Google liam Feb 1, 2018

And any other tech company as well.

Google ungoogley Feb 2, 2018

Contracting for Google sucks, however -- if you go into it eyes-open and understand it's a temporary position and you treat it as such, you're fine.

Duck Creek M ZUccB0rg OP Feb 2, 2018

Why do I get so many polarizing responses for contracting at Google? From personal friends who got FTE after contract, I’ve only heard it doesn’t matter. From random people on blind, I’ve heard otherwise. Why does it suck?

Google ungoogley Feb 2, 2018

It comes down to expectations. Lots of people are happy just being "at Google" and having access to most of the perks in fun environment. Those of us that are more career focused tend to be the most disappointed for the following reasons: - no growth trajectory - no real project ownership - projects for TVCs are typically the shit work nobody else wants to figure out - a massive pain in the ass to fight for access to basic tools to get your job done - anyone you work with can't interview you - you can't be converted (process was eliminated). You need to apply externally like everyone else. No light interview process, etc - constantly being treated like a second class citizen, being talked down to even if you're the better than your FTE counterparts in every way, having your work stolen and used to advance full-timers promo packets etc