
Cruise IC levels?

How do the IC levels at GM Cruise compare to Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple?

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Microsoft Shdu Nov 19, 2017

Don’t know about GM. But I know a guy named Paul Higginbotham was nobody in GE become a Microsoft partner. Check out his LinkedIn and search blind if you are Microsofter.

General Motors TTed55 Nov 19, 2017

I believe we (GM) run cruise levels the same as GM. So 6a/b is a SE, 7a/b is a Senior SE, 8 is a manager or architect. Teams in my department work with cruise(I'm based in Detroit) and no one wants to jump ship and move to SF because the pay increase isn't enough. With that said, cruise still seems to have alot of free rain on things, so I could be wrong, I'm just basing that internal postings I've seen.

Microsoft lurker2017 Nov 19, 2017

I'm exploring a Senior SE position at Cruise, what is the salary range that I can expect?

Cruise Automation prqmH7 Nov 26, 2017

Total comp 200-400. Our comp is kind confusing though.

Cruise Automation oomlawt Nov 19, 2017

Very similar to Google. I don't know what the levels are at GM proper.