Crypto currency question (IOTA via Binance)

I wanted to buy iota from Binance (via ETH), and they gave an address to deposit funds first.. so where do i need to start? I have some litecoin in Coinbase. I did some google search and found that i need to transfer ETH to that binance address first. How do i transfer? Can i do it from coinbase by purchasing some ETH? Or Do i need another wallet? No trolls please..

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Google amaze Dec 5, 2017

Yes, go to coinbase, eth wallet, choose send. In there, give the binance eth address. Be very careful. Any mistake here will permanently lose the funds

Apple Note7 OP Dec 5, 2017

Done, thanks.

Salesforce bdXW25 Dec 5, 2017

Also make sure you don't send ETH to a BTC address, or BTC to an ETH address.

Apple Note7 OP Dec 5, 2017

Yea. 👍

Apple Note7 OP Dec 5, 2017

Coinbase typically takes 7 days to complete a deposit.. are there any other quick going wallets like coinbase?

FactSet h92fnw Dec 5, 2017

Sell litecoin for eth, transfer to binance. Eth network is congested right now so might take a few hours but don’t worry

Zennely Dec 5, 2017

Darn kitties!

Lyft kittycrypt Dec 5, 2017

I'd strongly urge you to research more before doing this. You're asking one of the most elementary questions you can ask and talking about investing in a small crypto currency that's at an all time high. Seems like you're having FOMO.

Nextdoor RoodtxeN Dec 5, 2017

IOTA is being pumped.

IBM Quandum Dec 5, 2017

Oh god please don’t. I’m not even a crypto-naysayer I own quite a bit but you’re literally one of the sheep walking into the peak of a rally right now. All my friends got in a month ago at $0.50 and are using newbies who just read about the Microsoft partnership as liquidity to sell into.

Lyft kittycrypt Dec 5, 2017


Apple Note7 OP Dec 6, 2017

I wish i can revert my purchase 😒.. too late now. Its going down since i bought it