HR IssuesSep 8, 2019
Googleचाचा चौधरी

Date a housemate, yay or nay?

Have been to bunch of casual dates with her already. We both are interested in pursuing this relationship. But we've been keeping this a secret from other 2 housemates. Worth pursuing it or too much risk for future awkwardness? Don't see how this is different than dating someone in your dorm. Yoe: 3, tc: 200k

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pkko62 Sep 8, 2019

What is the risk and the reason to keep in secret who are you dating with? Are you just another Indian who only marry a woman the parents find for you?

Microsoft MP3 Sep 8, 2019

For all we know OP’s housemates could be his parents and the date is his sister.

pkko62 Sep 8, 2019


Bloomberg F.U. money Sep 8, 2019

Be ready to move out and go for it.

Goldman Sachs not Lloyd Sep 8, 2019

shit where you eat, go for it

Google चाचा चौधरी OP Sep 8, 2019

Goldman approves 😀

Dandy Sep 8, 2019

Learn how to date more women by improving your game , don't settle for the first one you met. Aren't you 25 or so? You sound too desperate. Another Indian.

Google चाचा चौधरी OP Sep 8, 2019

Tried the bar game but meet mostly older women approaching their 30s in south bay bars. Palo alto scene is too young, college like. So yeah, I've had some luck meeting women outside, but not anyone I'd go for serious relationship...

Dandy Sep 8, 2019

There's nothing wrong with dating older women. If you find a better women (younger or not) then dump the first one. You deserve the best you can find. So, don't get too hung up on finding the relationship type girl. You have to date someone to get into a relationship. Also bay area has enough women. The guys who complain about it lack game. Bars suck to meet women. You need to stop thinking too much and start approaching women elsewhere. On streets and malls, if you see anyone attractive. Just initiate a conversation and exchange numbers. Date and get laid a lot. You will get into relationship eventually.

Boeing RFP Sep 8, 2019

here's a dating tip. start by not calling women --of any age-- "old" or "older." calling women in their 20's "older women" makes you sound a) like a baby and b) like a sexist jerk.

Dandy Sep 8, 2019

He does seems inexperienced with dating. Calling women too old or too young. But hey all can change in 3 months if he changes his attitude.

Google चाचा चौधरी OP Sep 8, 2019

Admit I've never had long term relationships, only hookups and open relationships < 6 months