CompensationJul 23, 2019

Dell/EMC - underpaid?

My partner is principal storage engineer- in the RTP area - and her base is in the low low 100’s. Pretty sure way underpaid for her role but wanted to check here - any thoughts?

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ Jul 23, 2019

Cisco-level underpaid

Cisco DISc57 OP Jul 23, 2019

What does that mean?

Pure Storage mCDx13 Jul 23, 2019

Principals in Storage Engineering in NorthEast should be mid to high 100s TC. So yeah, underpaid. Need to jump ship.

Pivotal AllDaSmoke Jul 23, 2019

Uhh Raleigh is not the northeast. In fact 100k in Raleigh is near equivalent to mid to high 100s, depending on what city in the NE you mean. Regardless, I know from experience that Dell companies pay peanuts, so he's underpaid either way.

VMware doof_s Aug 22, 2019

Dell's titles need reworked. Their 'Principal Engineer' aka Senior Advisor title is equivalent to a mid-level engineer. Their Senior Principal Engineer aka Consultant title is the tech industry's Senior Engineer. Their 'Senior Engineer' aka Advisor title is more of Entry level engineer. I know it doesn't make sense but thats how they have it