#DeveloperProductivity at tech companies

Any feedback on how is developer productivity in companies like Netflix, google, LinkedIn, AirbnB, facebook, PayPal, uber, Intuit, Twitter, Microsoft? How are the internal tools and processes and how does that impact developers in their day to day job?

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Microsoft AmI3vil May 1, 2018

Slow as hell, bad tools, but getting better.

Microsoft Gadfly May 1, 2018

Most places I've been don't measure it, and they should. Most places also think productivity has to do with the number of engineers on the team, or the hours worked.

Facebook alterego May 1, 2018

Internal tools effort is driven by developer's productivity. We measure the effort success by number of SEVs avoided and features shipped. Productivity is measured some what inaccurate via L.o.C. which is a proxy for value. For example in calibration is really easy to see who is super productive and who slacks off, just by see the distribution of big changes and their types( hard critical features or just boilerplate code)

SAP Gladwell May 1, 2018

What is SEV?

PayPal Esare OP May 1, 2018

What kind of planning tools do you use at Facebook - do you use off the shelf software like Rally?

SAP Gladwell May 1, 2018

Following. Also curious if anyone witnessed any tools or framework(apart from agile and Jira) that was really effective in improving team velocity.

Microsoft AmI3vil May 1, 2018

What is “agile”?

SAP Gladwell May 1, 2018

Agile methodology.