PoliticsAug 8, 2018

Did anyone find it weird that we yelled at Twitter to ban Alex Jones?

From what I read on Twitter, Alex Jones has done pretty bad things (e.g. harassing, doxxing, and etc.) Shouldn't he go to jail instead? Should we instead yell at FBI or whoever responsible for policing people to get this guy in jail? Twitter doesn't have a capacity to investigate this kind of issue. I don't think any tech company does. Nor I want tech company to start setting up their own court of laws. Not to mention that the punishment of being banned from social media doesn't fit the crime. It's way too light. What? Oh, I'm harassing people and I will get banned from social media??? Boo hoo so hurtful. It's so weird that we want this kind of punishment. What next? Maybe we should get Comcast to ban Alex Jones. Actually, let's cut off his electricity too. We should really direct our energy to yelling at FBI or senator or whoever to put Alex in jail instead. I'm posting to blind for obvious reasons. I can't disagree with these people in public. I would be crucified. I'm also not knowledgeable enough. As you can see, I don't even know who is responsible for putting Alex Jones in jail.

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Microsoft 🍑🖖🏾wyd Aug 8, 2018

Uber ¥££Ż¥ Aug 8, 2018

Peach mints?

Illumina User7493 Aug 8, 2018

Isn’t Alex Jones and his group trying to make 1984 happen? And aren’t they getting more and more successful at it? Disinformation, etc...

Salesforce beltalowda Aug 8, 2018

As a proud liberal sjw cuck I feel triggered by this post.

Netflix yesottoman Aug 8, 2018

What crime did he commit?

Google sjsjgdhshx OP Aug 8, 2018

I'm not knowledgeable enough. But from what I read from Twitter, he destroyed lives and etc. It does sound serious. So serious that he should go to jail, instead of getting banned from Twitter.

Oath [object Aug 8, 2018

Incitement of violence (resulted in at least one jailing). Death threat to government agent.

Microsoft 🍑🖖🏾wyd Aug 8, 2018

Brace yourselves for massive internet censorship leading up to 2020

Autodesk mCyn20 Aug 8, 2018

My point exactly!! But we need many things in place before the tech can get further than where we’re for it to make sense to humanity!!

Dell Rorschach Aug 8, 2018

What that horrible man did was a crime. Destroying the lives of parents who already lost their children to mindless Gun violence? How low can trump supporters and republicans get?

Google sjsjgdhshx OP Aug 8, 2018

Yes, that's what I have been reading. Why won't we pressure authority to put him in jail? Why are we spending energy to get murderers merely banned from twitter?

State Farm CrazyCloud Aug 20, 2018

And now we see the effects of confirmation bias take hold.

Facebook cbspwhf Aug 8, 2018

Because this is America, not the UK. We don't throw people in jail for insulting other people.

Google sjsjgdhshx OP Aug 8, 2018

That seems to be a separate topic where you don't think Alex Jones did nothing illegal. My topic is around: if he did something illegal, why would we spend all this energy trying to get him banned from twitter? Instead we should yell at authority.

Facebook cbspwhf Aug 8, 2018

How do you know that they didn't? If they went to the FBI and the FBI found nothing to prosecute, why would any party announce that?

Nvidia zVEC05 Aug 8, 2018

OP he didn’t murder anyone. He said stupid & mean things. And sells bone milkshakes or something. Those make him an asshole, not a criminal. He’s come close to libel a few times, but the laws are very strict on how that’s defined (free speech yo). Also that’s a civil not a criminal matter. I do find it scary that those non-crimes were enough to get him tossed down the memory hole at FB, Apple, & Google. Twitter is for once doing the right thing. There’s real reason to concern it starts with him; because there’s not much good to say about him. But I don’t think it stops with him. The policies are so fuzzy that this was a test run.

Google sjsjgdhshx OP Aug 8, 2018

Ok, that's a separate issue: whether or not he commits crime. There are many people disagreeing with you. My problem here is that: we believe he commits crime. However, we only wants him to be banned from social media. It's so absurd that I can't get behind this movement. Please don't quiz me on crime vs civil... I have no idea. But it seems he destroyed lives and spread false info and etc. If it's civil, we could band together, supply money, and sue him?

Nvidia zVEC05 Aug 8, 2018

Who thinks he committed a crime? What crime? He hasn’t been charged or arrested. So clearly not the police who are usually the experts in that matter. You personally couldn’t sue him, he never said anything about you. Well you could try to sue him, this is America, but your suit would likely be thrown out. You could donate money to the legal costs of the families suing him. But they may win & will get their costs covered. Your money, do what you want with it. But I don’t event get the social media ban. He’s just said mean things & been an asshole. Companies have no transparency or articulated policy. So what crosses the line? Is advocating for more restrictive immigration laws “racism” & “hate speech”? Is advocating for second amendment rights or abortion rights “advocating violence”? Censorship is bad.

Apple magikarp16 Aug 8, 2018


Kronos f8 Aug 8, 2018

Conserervative boycotts don't work because conservative selfishness is more important than their own principles. Liberals inherently understand the concept of giving up something for the common good.

Google sjsjgdhshx OP Aug 8, 2018

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Could you elaborate more?

Kronos f8 Aug 8, 2018

Conservatives are usually individualists. They live in the fantasy that everything that they have is soley the product of their own hard work (and anyone who is poor is just lazy). When it comes time to give up one of their conveniences to boycott something, they never do it, because their needs are more important to them than the needs of a greater cause.

Facepalmme Aug 8, 2018

Who you accusing? I didn’t yell at anyone.

Google sjsjgdhshx OP Aug 8, 2018

Just search Alex Jones and jack on twitter.

Facepalmme Aug 8, 2018