Misc.Jun 15, 2019
SAPsappy papi

Discussion: What do you think of humblebraggers on LinkedIn

While mainly using LinkedIn for its excellent job search feature, I often find myself looking at the home page which is almost exclusively full of humblebrag posts these days (along with Oleg posts). Although I would like to claim these posts do not affect me, I do feel a subconscious twang inside when I read these humblebragging posts (more so currently, with graduation season upon us and so many graduates wanting to highlight their tear jerking rags-to-riches Ivy League graduation story). The fact that almost all of them follow the template of thanking something other than themselves and then moving on to shower themselves with praise and highlight their achievements is so pathetic in my opinion. They make it seem that the thanking part is the primary goal and use it as a cover in case someone calls them on their boastfulness. It is almost like LinkedIn has given an outlet to people to brag their accomplishments freely without fear of backlash (or trolling) which often ensues on other social media platforms. And the funny thing is that people with real accomplishments never post on LinkedIn. What do you guys think? Do these posts annoy you as well? Do these people genuinely believe sharing their accomplishments with their followers will help them or their audience or is it just an ego thing?

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Marvell iluilu Jun 15, 2019

First bragging/(any post that doesn’t belong in LinkedIn IMO): ignored Second: noted Third: irritated Fourth: blocked

EoiB15 Jun 15, 2019

I’d say don’t look at shit you don’t like, but I read this didn’t I? Humblebrag, not humble brag.

SAP sappy papi OP Jun 15, 2019

Noted. I guess humblebraggers humble brag

Uber staff Jun 15, 2019


Google chenku Jun 15, 2019

It's a service to identify annoying people your want to avoid irl

Google SundarPich Jun 15, 2019

Ugh. The wifi on my jet is spotty when we're over Cannes, and I hate when the humblebrags take up all the bandwidth.

Expedia Lark71 Jun 15, 2019

Linkedin is becoming another facebook...

Microsoft HudiBaba! Jun 15, 2019

With new grads, its more of a "I am in the market. Please give me an interview" thing. And it works too. These days everyone is desperate to find people with good skills and this sometiems helps people get interviews if they have touted their horn the right way. So if it works, it works. If it annoys you, bad for you but for them, it works. If it din work, cool, no harm done. So I guess you gotta live with it. Ps: Not a new grad and also find this irritating but just the practicallity of things.

LinkedIn tar-cfz Jun 15, 2019

Yeah, feed is full of trash. Sorry :)

MongoDB tlb_miss Jun 15, 2019

I don't even browse the LinkedIn feed. I use it to slide into recruiters' DMs and subscribe to job openings