Disney Offer Wait Time

Hey there. I interviewed at Disney about a month and a week ago and I have yet to hear back. The recruiter says the interview feedback was really good but they have to go through their lined up interviews. I met with the skip level manager at the end of the onsite and was basically asked if I wanted the job. Basically, can anyone at Disney give me any insight into the recruiting process? Another blind poster on here who got multiple offers said he received an offer from disney but after 4 weeks. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Facebook mturtle Oct 2, 2019

I interviewed at Hulu, so maybe helpful and maybe not. When I interviewed, they told me they liked me and everyone on the team thought I was very strong technically. Then they said they needed to interview several more candidates before deciding. So if Disney operates same way, they might be interviewing other people before letting you know.

Blue Cross Blue Shield sBPx68 OP Oct 2, 2019

That's basically what they told me yeah. But did you have to wait very long to receive results? And this is helpful thank you.

Facebook mturtle Oct 2, 2019

After they told me that, I told them I wasn't interested. I'm not sure how long it would have taken had I have gone through the process. They said "a couple of weeks".

Hulu ?!؟¡?!؟ Oct 2, 2019

Both Disney & Hulu do take a long time for interview process. They're also both horrible at keeping candidates in the loop

Blue Cross Blue Shield sBPx68 OP Oct 2, 2019

Hey! Thank you for taking the time to share. Glad to know I'm not just going crazy lol.

Hulu ?!؟¡?!؟ Oct 2, 2019

Also you should be aware that Disney is known for its low pay so it's best to have a backup offer because of the pay & the wait time

Juniper Pliny Jr Oct 2, 2019

Disney is interviewing other candidates. Until they finish with the other 3-5 candidates, you won't know what's what. Keep calling your recruiter to show you're alive. It goes a long way when they have two finalists and don't know which way to lean. Btw, keep in mind that Disney pays shit. And this is for the simple fact that many people with Ivy League degrees want to work for them at below market.

Blue Cross Blue Shield sBPx68 OP Oct 2, 2019

Yeah that makes sense. I'll be sure to keep in touch with the recruiter and work on getting a competing if not overall just more attractive offer. Thank you!

Disney Streaming Services teammickey Oct 2, 2019

I had a written offer within a couple of days, but Disney Streaming operates pretty differently from the rest of Disney so not sure if longer waits are the norm in other areas. Good luck either way!

Blue Cross Blue Shield sBPx68 OP Oct 2, 2019

Yeah this is for a different section of Disney so it seems like it will take awhile. Thank you!

Disney blindman04 Oct 2, 2019

Which team did you interview with? Is the opening in Seattle? Note, Disney just went through a big merger with fox, which has caused high scrutiny on hiring

Disney lowTotalC Oct 2, 2019

Dm details. Can give you an overview

Philips litmin Oct 3, 2019

In the same boat. Waiting on feedback on an interview that happened a month ago. They said they wanted to fill this position quickly. Follow up with the recruiter has gotten me radio silence so far.

Disney z4638n Oct 7, 2019

My experience was 3+ months from interview to offer letter.

Juniper Pliny Jr. Oct 7, 2019

How was the offer? Was it below market?

Disney QPjr15 Oct 13, 2019

It’s all dependent on the HR person. No one will be able to tell you for sure. I’ve seen some turnaround quickly and some take forever. Personally I was an internal consultant conversion - that took like two months due.