Tech IndustryMay 19, 2018

Do people at AMZ/FB/Goog really have 60+ hrs/wk of work to do ?

I've honestly been coasting for more than a couple of months now - to the point that i feel bad collecting salary.. obviously am currently interviewing.. Funny thing is, I was promoted recently to L65 - and to be honest don't think I did anything spectacular to earn it.. maybe a month or 2 last year where I might have spent say 50+ hrs a week and sent a couple of long emails over the weekend.. Am in one of the Azure groups - so good visibility. But I want to know from folks at Amazon/Facebook/Google/Netflix/Oracle (companies I've interviewed with not all of which I received offers from) - how regularly do you guys put in 50-60hr weeks ? Also is it really "work" or more of looking busy attending meetings and writing email ?

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Cisco Johnndoe May 19, 2018

You get promoted not because you put more hours, but because you provide more value.

baQn60 May 19, 2018

However there is a correlation

Amazon 4amazonian May 19, 2018

Not much of one, from my personal anecdotes and some professional studies hat suggest otherwise

Facebook hfnavfdkk May 19, 2018

real work.

Amazon nTUL61 May 19, 2018

SDE3 (promoted at Amazon), didnt work more than 40h weeks when getting promoted. I was extremely efficient back then however.

Amazon ecJh38 May 19, 2018


Amazon takla_ May 19, 2018

Quality not quantity... 30-35hrs more than enough

Amazon Top SDE 2 May 19, 2018


Amazon rUCK Fules May 19, 2018

2 weeks a month are 50+ hrs . Thanks to all the meetings prog manager here

Google quora_TW May 19, 2018

There's a saying at Google that there's always an infinite amount of work to do. Whether you work 40 hours or 60 hours this week, there will still be an infinite amount of work left. No, it's not typical to work 50-60 hour weeks.

Amazon Lamport May 19, 2018

Pretty much the same at the Amazon end. There’s always more to do. You time box it and prioritize. I work about 40-45.

Amazon Flows May 19, 2018

Fuck no. I’ve been in one of the big companies since the 90’s. I’ve averaged about 35 hrs/week. Maybe 2 stretches a year of 50-60 hr weeks, but only when I’m excited about the work and I stay up late coding because it it fun. Work smarter. The value of the output is what matters. Yes you can put out more with longer hours, but picking the more high impact output is a better move.

Google Jhgghppppp May 19, 2018

In my experience people who complain about working 60 hours a week are exaggerating and usually super inefficient. I work for 35-45 hours a week. Had only a few months of 50+

eBay sudo May 19, 2018

Amen to this

Amazon Hooliganss May 19, 2018


Twitter Hvg May 19, 2018

It's a bit sad to work 60 hours. I've never pulled an all nighter, never worked more than 45 hrs in my life. Did well. Work smart and balance work and personal development.

Google Neopets 😍 May 19, 2018

Why do you use “am” instead I’m? No wonder you work so long