Misc.Jul 20, 2019

Do you realize more laws to protect people from themselves is less liberty for everyone?

Seems like socialism is taking over the bay area and the bubble they live in and Utopia they're striving for is a big circle group hug where there's no money or reason for value to be created anymore. Without the ability to freely own property and resources AND engage in contracts without govt restrictions you have NO LIBERTY. So the bay area wants to trade liberty and property for free stuff for everybody? Sounds evil to me. TC 320

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Microsoft s7hsja Jul 20, 2019


Nvidia hibitcoin OP Jul 20, 2019

That's a sound contract. Done!

DuQvV7y Jul 20, 2019

This is abjectly asinine.

Nvidia hibitcoin OP Jul 20, 2019

Stay broke DuQu

Proofpoint eus9wbdj Jul 20, 2019

How are they trading liberty and property for free stuff for everybody?

LinkedIn billz Jul 20, 2019

Isn't that obvious? Take "free college for everyone" as an example. That is an empty promise that depends on taking everyone's liberty: new taxes and/or monetary inflation and debt. And most interesting of all, it's a subsidy to the rich: the 2/3 of Americans who never get a college degree are the least fortunate.

Microsoft fWzt50 Jul 20, 2019

OP is right! Healthcare will be the end of all liberty! The government is persecuting me with checkups and affordable doctors visits! Don't you people understand that without the freedom to be financially bankrupt from my bad decisions to get cancer I have NO liberty! Wake up sheeple!

LinkedIn billz Jul 20, 2019

The government doesn't provide healthcare. It's considering taxing programmers to pay for health insurance. One is doctors, the other is paper pushers. Big difference.

Nvidia hibitcoin OP Jul 20, 2019

Military, Healthcare, Education. That's all a low tax, clean air, free citizen country needs. We could have an excellent version of all three for every single citizen (and non-citizen) if we axed the other 40 wasteful, unnecessary agencies.

Twitter Oomnj Jul 20, 2019

Socialists hate freedom because socialism cannot survive in a free society. That’s why you see the push against 1A; gun rights, and private enterprises

Microsoft fWzt50 Jul 20, 2019

Why do people have a tendency to equate a difference in values to one group "hating" the other? Peak tribalism.

Twitter Oomnj Jul 20, 2019

I said they hate freedoms not other groups of people. Hating freedoms is part of socialist ideology since it can’t survive without an ironclad state making all the decisions

eBay NivedNigew Jul 20, 2019

Some people are just pissing themselves cause you’ve seen too many immigrants in Bay Area. No socialism is not taking over. And literally everyone in Bay Area is obsessed with buying property. Immigrants included. Maybe on 4chan forums they claim that California has granted houses to all the non whites.

Twitter Oomnj Jul 20, 2019

Universities (a lot of the depts at least) are socialism incubators ironically only in existence due to prosperous capitalism

Microsoft fWzt50 Jul 21, 2019

That's why I don't let my 8 kids get no edubacation. I'm right sure they're Socialist factories and I'll have none of their thought words or their thinkin books!

Microsoft CykaBlyat Jul 20, 2019

Inb4 the train of Europeans who are so oppressed and have no liberty arrive tell us all about how they dream every night of having the freedom to die of cancer caused by an employer having a total disregard for the safety of employees after bankrupting themselves and their entire family trying to pay for basic medical care... any time now...

Nvidia eonyip Jul 20, 2019

This was a delicious word salad. Thanks

Microsoft CykaBlyat Jul 21, 2019

Is everyone at Nvidia an idiot or just you two?

SolarWinds AnEngineer Jul 20, 2019

"laws r bad an reduce mAh freedums. They tried to pass a law that keeps companies from dumping their toxic sludge on my doorstep but ah said no! Ur reducin mAh freedums!"

Nvidia hibitcoin OP Jul 20, 2019

Not everyone grew up in a neighborhood where they were dumping lead into the water or eating fried sludge for calories. Except you, I suppose.. which explains the lack of backing in your argument.

Apple tWBu16 Jul 20, 2019

No one trades their liberty away unless they think they can get something better in return. Example: I support laws that require vehicle passengers to wear a seatbelt. I am willing to give up the liberty of being able to drive without a seat belt in exchange for safer car accidents for every one

Oath Atinlay2 Jul 20, 2019

You’re the reason we can’t have nice things

Twitter Oomnj Jul 20, 2019

That’s really stupid.

Apple tWBu16 Jul 21, 2019

In other words, if you want more liberty, you have to convince people that giving you more liberty is worth more to them or more fair to you than taking away your liberty.

NVIDIA youtopia Jul 21, 2019

You're thinking about it the wrong way: The govt or other citizens should have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a particular liberty is treading on everyone else's right. You should never have to prove why you need such a right, especially the natural ones.

Apple tWBu16 Jul 21, 2019

Well, I disagree with you. And I’m ok with that