
Do you use Leetcode skill in your work?

Having a good time playing LC with lots of AHA moments. I found it very helpful learning CS coming from HW background. Just wondering if the knowledge from LC are practical in real world problems? (Apparently it’s good for interviewing)

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Facebook obov5566 Jun 29, 2018

Why is leetcode academic? I think you need to take some "real" CS classes 😅

Microsoft Tier 1 Jun 29, 2018

Eh. It’s at least revision for CS concepts that I haven’t touched since school.

Expedia Wjzbk Jun 29, 2018

No way hombre

Microsoft jnbcubj Jun 29, 2018

It's definitely not academic. But I certainly don't use it at work. At least not anymore.

Microsoft JrMm77 Jun 29, 2018

Sure, the skills definitely are used in the real world. But only for a very small subset. The problems that require highly optimized and tricky solutions are generally solved once and reused ubiquitously (such as stl data structure libraries)

H1bguy OP Jun 29, 2018

Does the knowledge give us better chance coming up with more optimal solutions for real world problems?