#MeTooFeb 14, 2018

Does bad US work culture train abusers?

When I think about toxic work environments or bad managers I’ve experienced, there were patterns of manipulation, social pressure coercion, gaslighting that supervisors and managers would use since “heathy” ways of getting people to work were not enough to meet demand, or a particular manager just had no organic respect from teams. Further, in deeds companies treat employees as resources, supervisors are encouraged to get this or that result from someone, people become utilities that sometimes “need a push”. Is US work culture just training us to see eachother as objects, things that we try and get particular actions from? If retail managers, for example, coerce and gaslight people into unpaid overtime or undesirable shifts... is it any surprise that a percentage of them would start to use the same “skills” for harassment of coworkers or in their personal relationships? I’m not trying to make an analogy between a bad work situation and sexual harassers or abusive romantic relationships. I’m drawing some parallels in types of behavior and wondering if ultimately we need a more respectful and balanced work culture in the US in order to have more respectful interactions with eachother in general.

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Facebook pxhqbdich Feb 14, 2018

In every country, since the dawn of man, the people who rise to the top of any ladder tend to be aggressive narcissists. It's nothing new and not specific to the US.

Microsoft vizb Feb 14, 2018

Mark is narcissistic? nope imo

Credit Karma Johmy OP Feb 14, 2018

There was no “top” at the dawn of man. It was only about 10,000 years ago that masters and slaves began to develop. Countries came about much later. Try being narcissistic or selfish in a band society... they just leave you behind and you die alone in the elements.

Naeo02 Feb 14, 2018

In tech industry i think its related to very good engineers moving into management, and not having the natural ability to be a good manager

Johmy OP Feb 14, 2018

I was thinking about this in connection with the entertainment industry where working-actors are convinced to be a team player (“for art”) by staying later to get a shot, getting drenched in fake blood, or going topless for a scene. Some people starting out in the industry will do whatever just to get “exposure” to the right producers etc. If someone who has no clout complains (or even sometimes for well known actors) about longer hours, doesn’t want to take a health risk for a shot, they fear getting labeled as “difficult” and therefore not get hired again. It’s like a perfect recipe for a “casting couch” abuse situation.

Planned Parenthood ydug26 Feb 14, 2018

@OP, sooo...how’s the environment at Credit Karma? I’ve seen them in multiple posts regarding sexual harassment and I believe one post mentioned a cover-up.

Credit Karma Johmy OP Feb 14, 2018

I don’t know anything specific about it. But, sure, it’s sadly possible. I know of other less severe manipulative things that have happened - just like at every other job I’ve had more or less. That’s my point - the kind of petty manipulation that occurs in most places sets the stage for predators to take these dynamics to the extreme.