Engineers, do you ever feel undeserving of your salary?

I mean, we are extremely lucky to be living in a time where software engineers are in such high demand. I look around and hear people complaining of their struggles and challenges, scraping just to get by. Yet here we are, many of us not even PhD or Masters, sitting with 350k TC and our ****s and ******s in our hands. Why should we deserve such a privileged life?

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McAfee tYcY14 Aug 13, 2018

Make hay while the sun shines.

Google Shaktiman’ Aug 13, 2018

And still all you do is complain about it here. Go and enjoy with your friends and family. Don’t worry too much.

Homeaway floo OP Aug 13, 2018

Blind is a good example of how humans are susceptible to being blinded by greed.

Microsoft leet champ Aug 13, 2018


Salesforce Cgyjm Aug 13, 2018

Do you think the houses here are worth 2 mil+ ? Supply demand

Homeaway floo OP Aug 13, 2018

I’m not just talking about Bay Area.

Salesforce Cgyjm Aug 13, 2018

You don’t get such salary anywhere else

Tubi TV sKse50 Aug 13, 2018

I would say if the same salary was paid out to engineers in a cheaper area then yes but as it is no. Also look at how the last generation had it. One of the spouses worked and they owned their home by early 30's.

Homeaway floo OP Aug 13, 2018

I guess my point is that regardless of where you live, engineers make a sizably larger income than the general population. Entry level devs coming out of college make more than people in other industries who have worked for over a decade.

Google DpxM12 Aug 13, 2018

I appreciate your perspective here and agree it's worth reflection -- especially to acknowledge that in the froth and churn spewed off by relentless innovation and capitalism, those of us riding the crest of the wave should recognize there are also those in the troughs. And that much of the differences between those at the top and those at the bottom are not attributes we are agents in controlling ourselves (hence I think the response and reactions split between those who empathize and those who are indifferent because chance got everyone where to where they are)

Microsoft 🚶‍♀️ feet Aug 13, 2018

I felt under paid when I worked at MS. Then I voted with feet and feel I’m now over paid. I don’t know what to do with the extra money I make. I’ll just retire in half the time now.

Amazon I3JQHz Aug 13, 2018

No. I feel lawyers and doctors are much more undeserving. They have regulation that limit the supply of doctors. We engineers are the only unregulated professionals. Qualified people with only boot camp education can get into top companies. We hire the best and brightest from the world and every person hired here outcompete hundreds of smart American, Europeans and Asians. Meanwhile medical school disallow international students to make way to rich but not so smart American kids. We engineers deserve every single penny we make.

llllIIIll Aug 13, 2018

It is my dream to automate away undeserving jobs like those.

HAECO Americas El Toro Aug 14, 2018

Disagree. I have a friend in medschool. Low income family , got full ride for undergrad. Got into Stanford, 6 figure Debts and even after med school over it’s another 10 years of low pay. He works 80+ hours a week cleaning people’s asses and other tasks of the like. He won’t get his first real paycheck until 30-35+. So yea, you have it really Fkin good. Lawyers on the other hand ...

Agilent Technologies 031689 Aug 13, 2018

Ya you bitchass SWEs with your high ass salaries lol. I have a fuckin PhD and my TC is just less than 150k in the Bay Area. Then 8 see this dipshit SW kid who makes 250k+, trying to write code for our HW, it's so terrible. Hell ya I am jelly lmao

Glassdoor laytvnm Aug 13, 2018

Dude, you can do a bootcamp and be a SWE in 1 year. If you really want it - it's not very hard to do.

Agilent Technologies 031689 Aug 13, 2018

I hate programming and think it's fucking weird. I know MATLAB and and NumPy style python tho. I'll Def think about it

Facebook Km3lfdx Aug 13, 2018

Don’t worry, it won’t last very long. Save as much as you can for the long winter.

Comcast 🚚 roll Aug 14, 2018

Been riding this wave for 30 years, always made good money.