HR IssuesNov 14, 2019

Enrolling for health care benefits when you're probably gonna get laid off

Do I really need to enroll for my benefits? I'm like 99.99% sure I'm gonna be let go.

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Fuze oLqB77 Nov 14, 2019

Why wouldn’t you?

WeWork LyjI14 OP Nov 14, 2019

When you get laid off don't they offer a different healthcare plan? I'm a noob on this topic.

Fuze oLqB77 Nov 14, 2019

It totally depends on the company but typically they would let you keep whatever plan you have for a certain period of time. Or maybe they get rid of it immediately. Regardless there is no upside to not enrolling.

Apple jEPN02 Nov 14, 2019

Depending on exit package or, worse, just being let go with none you might need it for COBRA. Otherwise you’re stuck with a crappy marketplace or no coverage at all.

Roku de Vil Nov 14, 2019

Any luck on a new job?

WeWork LyjI14 OP Nov 14, 2019

Haven't really looked right now

Google manmohan Nov 14, 2019

Why would you do that to yourself?

Zillow Group gentle Nov 14, 2019

Check with your insurance company. You can continue until end of the month most likely after that you can do COBRA I.e. pay your share and your company's share to keep the same plan. Might be a good option to keep the amount paid towards the deductible etc. Verify your paycheck you'll find the amount. Mine is like ~$2k per month I believe.

OpenTable Meliodas Nov 14, 2019

I would. If there is an exit package, you will wish you had.

eBay V-Vendetta Nov 14, 2019

Of course I would don’t want to be without coverage in this fucked up country, not even for a day

Justworks olxz63 Nov 14, 2019

Definitely enroll, you’d be stupid not to. You will get at least 4 weeks severance and benefits. I was let go/ laid (I mention both bc they told me I was fired for performance then found out a few weeks later over 300 people were laid off.. shady) off by Wework earlier this year and I negotiated 8 weeks. With this big slew I don’t know if they’ll go to the table to negotiate. But worth a shot. The longer you can have health dental and vision, and pay, while looking for a new job the better.