Misc.Aug 20, 2018

Exchange a subscription to grokking system design interview for leetcode premium account

UPD: Found, thanks everyone. Title says it all, I’ve got an account with a paid subscription to grokking system design (it costs about 80$), wanna access to premium leetcode account (35$?). Obviously I’ll give you account details (without email password, so it’s still mine), same thing for your leetcode account (so it’s like exchanging of an access to a grokking sys design interview and I’ll submit some questions from your account). PM me if interested. TC: 0

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F5 Networks pqbQ75 Aug 20, 2018

Unless you're in school, don't be so cheap?

qDLG43 OP Aug 20, 2018

I’m a student :(

F5 Networks pqbQ75 Aug 20, 2018

I see. I'd trade my account if I had one. Sorry.

IBM hmmjoy Aug 20, 2018

Leetcode doesn't allow more than one active session at a time. If you don't want to pay for premium content, then you can give lintcode.com a try. You will find the tagged questions but no discussion forum or solutions. PS: I ended up paying for leetcode.