Exit Options?

It's a nice gig; learning a lot about software and putting the MBA to some good use, making a name for myself internally, lots of data/beginning to utilize basic ML models, but I'm still not resonating... (is this stupid to say?) spiritually? Maybe I'm lost in the mythologies of our culturescape, which declares I'm not done searching until I find that gnawing "it" thing. Where does one go after a PM role?

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Intel !x86 Sep 20, 2017

I think it depends on the company. PM in different companies means different things.

HauteLook XYGd56 Sep 20, 2017

You could ride to the top to COO. Eventually CEO too.

hyperspace Sep 20, 2017

PM roles vary widely. If I was you I'd look for products I feel more passionate about and explore around. It's so important to be passionate about your work because we spend almost half of our lives working!