StartupsMar 19, 2019

Experiences being acquired?

So there’s a very strong chance that my company is going to be acquired by a major European corporation. I’m still pretty fresh to the whole software development industry as a whole, what should I expect generally for being acquired? Any experience anyone else can shared with similar situations? TC: $80k/1.5YOE

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sparked Mar 19, 2019

Gone through it twice; there is generally a lot of hype and free lunches for a month until everything looks like business as usual again. Generally all of sales and marketing gets overhauled and a few bad tech performers get left behind. Sometimes there is massive expansion if the acquirer decides to invest heavily right away. Also a lot of meetings that are more pointless than anything else as you go over all the new company’s rules/benefits etc

tooQ10 Mar 19, 2019

The company I joined out of school was acquired by Rakuten in my sixth year. Nice stock payoff, but since then it's been nothing but TC drops and increasingly militaristic rules and insane KPI demands.

Google camelCase Mar 19, 2019

You will get an offer from the new company. You accept it and keep working. Unless you are at a very small company, nothing will change much other than the sign on the building. There may be some layoffs down the road.

Tektronix BlueBerd Mar 19, 2019

Gone through it multiple times. Certain departments are always cut when acquired (HR and Marketing usually). Stay calm, polish your resume in case of layoffs. Watch the manager shake up unfold.

Salesforce hahhahaha Mar 19, 2019

It depends on the acquisition terms but it should be business as usual for a bit until the integration and re-ranking of people to fit into the new company. If you are an engineer you probbaly still have a job.

Intel mr_pleb Mar 19, 2019

If you are an engineer you'll go down the ladder and be even less relevant in a bigger pool of people. If you're a manager and they expand you'll go up. If you're non-tech there's a good chance they'll kick you out unless your product is some weird shit that no one understands. Since you're junior you'll get jackshit for stock if you even had any. Better look elsewhere.

Intel (⌐■_■) Mar 19, 2019

I agree with Mr_Pleb. Only at Intel bc got acquired. Most people leave after 1-2 years since no incentive to stay.

Intel mr_pleb Mar 19, 2019

It's worth saying that in some cases buyers give retention bonuses for a couple of years but if the buyer is Intel it's just a bag of peanuts. Still better looking elsewhere.

Salesforce tensorchic Mar 19, 2019

Business as usual. Nice thing to put on resume. If your lucky you'll get an OK bonus payout. It's better than spending your career at a startup that goes bust, for sure, so congratulations.