Tech IndustryMar 21, 2019

FB access to personal accounts

Question for Facebook FTEs: I’ve accepted an offer at FB and I am reviewing the onboarding website. I see that ahead of orientation they ask you to have your personal Facebook account and AppleID/Google Pay account information handy. Does this mean Facebook will tie all my corp profiles to my personal accounts and thus have some level of access to account info, messages, transactions, emails, etc?

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Google TL1804 OP Mar 21, 2019

Thanks but if they’re anything like Google, isn’t there a monitoring app (e.g. Device Policy) installed that monitors activity and can wipe a device remotely should a security risk arise like phone theft? Also, why do they need my personal FB account details?

VMware notimporta Mar 21, 2019

Is it for devops or for SWE as well? Does it imply that you have to answer emails / be otherwise available online even when you're not in the office? If yes, can you opt out of this corporate phone?

SAP mooooo Mar 21, 2019

For interns a lot of materials I got were through the Facebook portal, which I logged in using my real Facebook account.

Facebook QA1337 Mar 21, 2019

You’ll create a workplace account on day 1 and use that for everything. Your personal account is used to create the workplace account for bootstrapping. They’ll enable beta features and bug nubs on your personal account with the personal ID that’s about it.