
Facebook - Dublin - Recruiter - Decision

Hi I had an interview on April 3 with facebook, Dublin office for Graduate role. I have been in touch constantly and my recruiters Intially told it would take around two weeks for final decision and last week she updated me final decision will be made in this week. In the mail, she even mentioned you are being strongly considered for the role and let them know if i have any competing offers and etc.. What are my chances of getting am offer? I am just dying here , can't focus on anything. Please suggest me what should I do and what are my chances of getting an offer?

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TOHc35 OP Apr 19, 2018

Fingers crossed buddy..

F5 Networks iruQ17 Apr 19, 2018

Strongly being considered = you’ve got it

ChileF!ake Sep 25, 2019

Did you get the job ?